Guaranteed practical strategies for life!

Specifically tailored for wo

Ruth has done the legwork for you. It’s all here! You no longer need to search for the answers to your Emotional Intelligence, Communication, Conflict-Resolution and Negotiation challenges!

You are a growing woman, always striving to create the authentic successful life you know belongs to you. Yet, sometimes you find yourself triggered by others and need strategies to de-escalate conversations.  

And the thought of advocating for yourself fills you with anxiety. And you know that effectively communicating, negotiating, and handling the emotional reactions of yourself and others is a lifelong learning process.  

If you are excited about developing your conflict resolution, negotiation, and emotional intelligence skills when interacting with others, then this is for you!  

I’m here to tell you that women creating Win-Win outcomes is our superpower!  It’s not hard and it’s not mysterious. It’s a simple process and actually fun!  And women are actually talented at this, they just need the keys that door to their hidden talents. 

Do you feel it? Are you ready? Because now is the time to :

  • Learn the secrets for women to side-step conflict with confidence

  • Overcome your fear of requesting what you want

  • Set healthy boundaries without anxiety

  • While maintaining healthy relationships 

  • Create the authentic life you long for in your career and personal life that actualizes your true potential

Is it time for you to Negotiate like a woman The Win-Win Way.

Start making powerful changes NOW!

This program is perfect for you if…

  • You are someone who is always growing and searching for authentic, simple ways to avoid conflict and create win-win outcomes for everyone
  • You find yourself saying ‘yes’ to things when you want to say ‘no’ -leaving you little time for moving forward on the projects that are close to your heart.
  • You want to communicate creatively and authentically without hurting your relationships.
  • You keep hearing the words win-win, and you want to learn how to consistently create these outcome in all of your relationships. 
  • When resolving problems and negotiating with your colleagues, your children, your spouse, or your clients, you want the best for everyone, but don’t know how to get there.

It’s time to be bold by learning the secrets to creating win-win outcomes in ever aspect of your life.

We offer guidance specifically geared towards women in every stage and all walks of life to help you effectively negotiate with people who are difficult, might have more leverage than you, push your boundaries, and create unnecessary conflict. 

More often than not

  • Women still tend to ask for — and accept — way less than their value. 
  • Woman say ‘yes’ far too often to unreasonable requests.
  • Women are 75% less likely to negotiate their salaries

The trend is changing, but it needs to change in a bigger way, and that will happen when women learn the powerful strategies and systems of creating Win-Win Outcomes.  

The great news is you can learn how to do this well (and ) and begin to create these outcomes in your career and your life immediately!

What will your life be like when you step forward confidently as a person with influence who can create Win-Win outcomes over and over again?

Meet International Negotiation Consultant, Ruth Shlossman

Ruth has more than 25 years of experience as an International Negotiation Consultant.  She earned a M.Ed. from Harvard University with a specialty in leadership and a B.A. in Education from the University of Florida. She is the Author of You Can Negotiate Anything, Here’s How.

Ruth has coached and trained thousands of individuals from college graduates to CEO’s on how to negotiate their way through conflict and create win-win outcomes. Her client list includes the top Fortune 500 Companies around the globe.

Ruth is passionate about her mission to empower women to develop the skills and self-confidence needed to assertively communicate and negotiate for what they want and deserve.  She is a master at helping woman learn the skills to be both bold and elegant at the same time.  

Ruth Shlossman

You will LOVE this!  The community of women! The insights and information! The opportunity to change your life! And there’s no better time than right NOW!

Ready to be the authentic real you now?

INTRODUCING… Boldly... elegantly... authentically make requests, and create mutual agreements with Emotional Intelligence.. Win-Win Way!

Be Authentic and still request what you want and deserve and get it!

This experience is for every woman in every stage of life.  An online virtual live (and also recorded) series show you how to reframe the way you make requests, advocate for yourself, negotiate healthy boundaries and engage in difficult conversations with confidence.  

Join this awesome community of women on this journey of discovery.  

Are you ready to actualize your inner superpowers of connection and success?  


Bonus series: A four-step framework for how to negotiate like a pro to  get what you deserve boldly, elegantly, and effectively. 

  • Eight live interactive, fun and engaging virtual sessions. To see, hear and learn and the practical skills needed to create win-win outcomes.  (will be recorded)
  • Additional optional small group sessions will be offered monthly to share specific challenging conversations we all encounter.
  • ·Follow-up on-demand and live classes filled with more tools, exercises, and examples.
  • Community support  to help you implement the superpower skills we are discovering.
  • A Facebook group to ask questions and share challenges with each other.  Brainstorm solutions, encourage each other and get advice from Ruth.
  • 24 months after joining, unlimited access to email any specific or general question related to communication, and negotiation challenges and receive an answer within 26 hours from a Senior Negotiation/Communicate consultant. 

What you will learn in the live monthly coaching sessions:

In this 10 week coaching course you will learn:

  • How to reframe disagreements in a way that will empower you.
  • How to overcome the mental and emotional blocks of making bold requests. 
  • How to turn a heated disagreement into a problem-solving discussion.
  • How to prepare for and execute the “salary” discussion.
  • When to say bring up money, when to say yes, 
  • How to respond to their offer, ask for more, say no gracefully 
  • How to deal with the emotional side of negotiating and disagreements
  • How emotionally resilient are you and ways to increase your resilience
  • The power of passionate curiosity 
  • How to turn a no into a yes in every conversation. 
  • Read the non-verbal signals of the other person 
  • How to send non-verbal signals that build trust 
  • How to respond to people who try to manipulate us
  • Why you should be kind but not nice

Free Bonus on-demand classes valued at $1,200
Learn what the Harvard Law Negotiation Program teaches.

The Four Stages of Achieving Win-Win Outcomes

Stage 1: Prepare and Map Out

In Module Three we’ll dive into the four stages of how to achieve win-win outcomes. You’ll learn about the first stage — preparation — and why it’s the most important thing to do in order to get what you want. You’ll learn how to identify the best outcome for yourself in a scenario and how to develop your fact base before you begin. You’ll also learn how to understand your counterpart and who the other stakeholders are so you can head into the conversation knowledgeable and prepared.

Stage 2: Meet and Greet

Exploration the second stage of creating win-win outcomes: the meet and greet. You’ll learn how people give better deals to people they like and how to build rapport and trust with your counterpart. You’ll also learn the rules of engagement, including why you need them and how to create them.

Stage 3: Gives and Gets — Offers and Counteroffers

We’ll explore the third stage of win-win outcomes: the gives and gets. You’ll learn how to open the discussion with your Best Agreement to Make (B.A.M.), when to make the offer, and how to make a concession if needed. You’ll also learn various techniques for making an offer including the power of silence as well as what to do when you get a specific answer or result.

Stage 4: Seal the Deal!

You’ll learn how — and when — to close the deal, as well as how to ensure the agreement so that you’re both on the same page and know what’s going to happen next.

Bonus Number Two: Dealing with a Hardball Bullying Counterpart Valued at $295.00

A 16 part on-demand series that will explore how to handle hardball tactics from those counterparts who resist negotiation and only want things their way. You’ll learn about the common hardball tactics used, including red herring, anchoring, shadow negotiators, intimidation, and open aggression. You’ll then learn strategies to use to combat these tactics and help effective negotiation proceed.

This win-win course is already PACKED with value that will help you learn how to create a more fulfilling career and life, but when you join now you’ll also receive the following BONUSES…

This course will help you greatly when it’s time to ask for a raise or negotiate your salary when starting a new job. 

Here’s everything included

  • Dozens of tools

  • Closed Facebook group, lifetime membership

  • 6 live Monthly coaching session/Questions and answers, lifetime membership

  • On demand extensive video series with the negotiation strategies taught in Fortune 500 companies

  • Monthly live virtual class on the strategies and steps to negotiate anything with anyone

Ready to learn how to finally learn how to advocate for yourself and negotiate your way to the career you truly want?

Your experience starts immediately once you click the “Join Now” button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration, as well as instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program!

Value of  this course is $1,280

For a limited time being offered for:


Sign up today by December 19th and received the discounted price of:


Or 6 payments of  $140.00

Pricing Options

Money-Back Guarantee

View the first and second coaching and begin to learn how to negotiate/communicate/assert yourself and take more control over your work and career. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund. This entire program is designed to help you put the knowledge that you’re learning into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will I have access to the material?

    The program begins the first 2nd week of January.

  • How do I ask questions or get feedback during the program?

    Submit your questions for our Live Q&A Calls via email to [email protected]

  • What if I’m not sure this is for me?

    You can set up a short call with us to discuss your goals, and ask questions about the Win-Win Way program. You can cancel and get a full refund by the end of the first month.

    Need help getting the win-win outcomes you want? click here to schedule a consultation.

  • How long is the program?

    The live classes will occur over 10 weeks and they will be recorded. Access to the Facebook page and email access to a negotiation consultant along with the recorded classes and on-demand videos will be available for 12 months.

Questions about Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

NEVER be held back by your lack of confidence or skill to make bold requests, communicate elegantly and ask for what you want and deserve again!

The easy-to-implement framework that you’ll learn in this course will open a world of possibilities and options for you in your career and your life.

To ask for what you want…

To stand up for yourself and what you deserve…

And to set boundaries that protect yourself, your energy, your effort, and your time.

If you’re ready to step forward confidently as a bold and elegant advocate for your goals, your dreams, and your life…